Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Life in Pictures

Use your own captions :) My kids, the rodeo, my family, my boyfriend!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Camera Happy?

Interesting thing I just noticed while uploading hundreds of pictures. I took over 550 pictures and 43 videos in the span of 12 days. Oh the joys of having something so wonderful that it commands the need to take so many pictures. . . children :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Toothbrush Chronicles

In the next couple days I will post about my wonderful trip home but that post will take some time. I just wanted to throw this out really quick because I thought it was cute.

Last night during snack before bed my three-year-old and I (and a volunteer) had this conversation regarding her toothbrush. I will refer to her as C and the volunteer is V. She was sitting at the table eating her raisins and I was coming back from the bathroom.

C: Emily what are you doing? (picture in a cute little kid voice)
E: I was getting your toothbrush ready. It's calling your name. ( not meaning it literally)
V: Do you hear it?
C: Yeah (nods very seriously)
V: What is it saying?
C: (here she shouted her name as if the toothbrush was yelling her name)!
We all bust up laughing. She was totally sincere.
I responded in a little high pitched voice, E: Come brush your teeth with me.
And without missing a beat she yelled back, C: I'm still eating right now!
She didn't even crack a smile :) It was the funniest thing. Maybe you had to be there but it was so cute.

Happy Monday! Don't take life so seriously

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Seek Beauty

The church I attend has a bookmark with the "Rhythms of Ecclesia" on it, six things to keep in mind each week. Seek beauty is one of them.
  • Take time to capture at least three snapshots of beauty each week.
I cannot think of a truer expression of God's beauty then in His children. So I wanted to share my snapshots of the week.

I wish I could show pictures of their laughing faces. These are just three of many. Have a blessed week and remember to Seek Beauty.

Baby D

I've been meaning to post this for over a month now..Our baby can STAND on her own!! She stood without holding onto anything for the first time when she was only 8 months old. On the 24th of February she turned 9 months old and the day before her 9 month birthday she took her first steps. She is getting too big too fast. She is definitely going to be walking all over the place before she is a year. We like to call her our genius baby :)