Friday, February 4, 2011

And One Month Later. . .

Our brother and sister who came in January.

Three cuties watching a squirrel play on
the fence outside the window!

I cannot believe how fast time goes. The first month of 2011 is already over! I hope everyone's new year is turning out better than they hoped. At Ecclesia (my church) we are talking about Heaven. It is a really neat thing to focus on at the beginning of a new year. "A vision of the future changes the way you live today." This is the key point we have been focusing on for the past couple weeks. When you believe in Heaven it will make you live in a radically different way.

So a quick recap of my life for the last month.
I am not sure how many of you knew that I was living in another house at the beginning of January. One of the girls that does FBC (family-based care) is on her own. She is the only adult living in the house and takes care of the children 24/7 by herself. She has been here a couple years and is awesome. Anyways, she was taking a much deserved vacation and someone needed to babysit her children while she was gone. That's where I come in. I took care of 4 children age 2-7 for a week and a half on my own. Here is a picture of the 2 and 3-year-old, so cute!

I can truly say I got a small taste of what being a single mom would be like. I did everything from speech therapy to packing school lunches to cooking and cleaning everyday. Needless to say I was very exhausted by the time 8 o'clock rolled around every night. They are great kids and so cute, but I missed my kids and it was great to go home. And sleeping past 6:00 am was also a plus.
The week I returned we were down 3 staff people in my house so we were beyond busy. Then Zach arrived on Friday, looking as handsome as I remember! It was great to finally be able to show him my life and introduce him to my kids. We mostly spent time around the house but we did go to a nearby park, hang out with my new friends, try some fabulous restaurants, and attend my church. I really enjoyed being able to go to church together again. The trip was way too short and it was soon time to say goodbye.

Some pictures from the kids playing outside. Our new little girl. She turns 3 in March and is super cute with big chubby cheeks. She has the most adorable little voice and calls me eh-mah-me (it kind of sounds like mommy out loud) because she can't say my name. I love it.

Juliette opened her bedroom window to say hi and the kids were all excited. They took a quick break from bike riding and were very fascinated about her bedroom since they are never allowed upstairs. Our little girl in the middle (in the blue helmet) needs a hug before anyone is allowed to leave the room she is occupying. She always runs down the hall yelling, "A hug, a hug!" This is what we would say she is "famous" for (other than her crazy dancing). She is holding her arms open in the picture asking Juliette for a hug. I love the complete faith of children. They trust that we will never let them down and will stand vulnerable with their arms wide open. Even a hug from the second story is possible to them. She was really standing ready for a hug; this is the cutest thing in the world.

Helping push the trike. They are great little helpers.

I had to vacuum out one of our cars so I brought our 3-year-old out to help. She wanted to put her seat belt on while she sat int he car. She helped vacuum a little bit but just enjoyed sitting in the car buckled up watching me vacuum. Little kids are so funny, they just like to be involved.
Sorry it's been so long since I blogged. The next one will be sooner! I miss everyone and all my roommates were on my mind today after picking up my 6-year-old from school. We were talking on the way home about how she has a "big girl" bed and she is getting so grown up. She commented (completely sincere), "Yup, soon enough I'll be in college!" I couldn't help but laugh. The way she said it cracked me up. Little kids always want to grow up so fast and can't wait to be adults. I feel like I wish I could slow time down. It seems like just yesterday I was heading off to college and I cannot believe how fast it went. A little shout out to all my Corner House girls. I miss the experience I had with them in our home and the wonderfulness (yes a word) of Whitworth, but I am also so excited about where all of our lives are taking us now and the future that awaits each of us. A picture of the future should make us think about how we are living our lives today, but it is so easy to get caught up in focusing on next week or next year when today is what really matters.